Making something by hand takes time, patience and on occasion a bit of investment. If you’re going to spend 60+ hours knitting a sweater, you better make sure you’re gonna want to wear it at the end, and what’s more – it better stand the test of time.
I’m not the firmest follower of fashion. I tend to pick out my favourite ‘trends’ as the seasons and years go by, keeping them with me normally until they’ve passed out of fashion and back in again! When it comes to making my own knitwear, I tend to pick modern classic patterns. Not too off the wall, but with enough interest to not look like something I could’ve picked up from the highstreet. This way, I can pair my knits with loads of things in my wardrobe, to ensure I get the most flexibility and wear out of a garment. No one wants to spend £££’s on a handmade garment only to then have to spend even more £££’s buying stuff to go with it!
AW trends are my favourite, because it’s socially acceptable to wear chunky knits with arm-swamping sleeves! I’ve been taking a look at what’s in, and what I’m going to be taking forward to pair with my handmade knitwear. Bring on the winter! Continue reading